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I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
« en: 18 de enero de 2015, 16:03:51 »
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  • Hello,

    first I want to introduce myself. My name is Jörg (same as Jordi in Catalan). My mother was born in Sabadell. Unfortunately I don't know Spanish or Catalan language. Since few years I search for my ancestors. I was able to find a lot of my german ancestors back to the sixteenth century. Until now I wasn't able to find any of my ancestors in Catalonia. I have only the informations I got from my mother and my grandmother. As I know I have no living relationship in Catalonia. Now I hope to find someone in this forum who can help me.

    The father of my mother was Francisco PORTA BERGADÁ (*29.01.1921 in Cervera). His fathers name is Ramon PORTA (.....), his mothers name is Maria BERGADÁ (......)

    The father of my grandmother was Jaime FORT CARBONELL (*25.07.1885 in Molins de Rei +01.04.1954 in Barcelona). I don't know the names of his parents.

    The mother of my grandmother was Elisa BALAGUE FERRÉ (*03.07.1892 in Ulldecona +28.02.1975 in Badalona). Her fathers name is Vicente BALAGUE (.....), her mothers name is Raimunda FERRÉ (.....)

    Is it possible to write to the municipal administrations to get informations? Do I have to come to Catalonia personally to get informations? Who made the registrations in the past centuries? The municipal government or the church?

    I would be pleased if I get feedback and maybe informations about my ancestors.

    Thank you, Jörg


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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #1 en: 19 de enero de 2015, 15:46:57 »
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  • Puede solicitar el certificado de nacimiento por internet en el caso de tener los datos exactos para actos de después de 1871.

     Jaume FORT CARBONELL * 07/25/1885 a Molins de Rei
    Elisa BALAGUE FERRÉ (* 1892.03.07 a Ulldecona (Tarragona)
     Francisco PORTA Bergada (* 01/29/1921 a Cervera (LLeida)

    La página es:

    en tipo de certificado: LITERAL
    en tomo : 00   
    en folio : 00

    En estos certificados aparecerán el nombre de los padres y abuelos

    Beatriz Mir

    Julio Sánchez

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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #2 en: 19 de enero de 2015, 15:56:06 »
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  • Hi Jörg,

    You can probably get some information by requesting certificates from the Civil Registries. Visit:

    There you can find English-language pages that will let you request those certificates. Civil registration in Spain started in 1871. Barring accidents, floods, war, etc., you should be able to find those certificates.

    From 1840 to 1871, a first attempt at civil record keeping was attempted. Implementation was irregular and conservation of these records is uncertain. If existing, they are kept at the municipal archives. Access to those archives is not uniform, in some towns may be easy, in others may be impossible.

    Before 1871, your best chances lie with the Catholic Church records. Since roughly everyone was a catholic, their christening near birth, their marriage(s) and burial were recorded in the parishes and they provide important information, including in many cases name and origin of parents and grandparents. Depending on the year and on the parish, records might be at the Historical Diocesan Archive o at the parish itself.

    But first, try to extract all you can from the civil registries.

    Viel glück.
    « Última modificación: 19 de enero de 2015, 18:05:53 por Julio Sánchez »
    Julio Sánchez
    Miembro de Hispagen


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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #3 en: 19 de enero de 2015, 19:15:57 »
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  • Thank you for your help.  :)


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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #4 en: 31 de enero de 2015, 10:53:38 »
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  • Hello,

    last week I've tried to order the birth certificate of Jaume FORT CARBONELL on They've answered that they got my request but I have to write directly to the municipal administration of Molins de Rei. I wrote a mail to them with copies of my identification card and all documents I have to show them that Jaume is a direct ancestor of me. Until now I've got no response from the municipal administration, no negative but also no positive. I'm very curious if they accept the attached documents.
    Maybe it could be a problem that I don't live in Spain and my certificate of descent is wrote in german language.
    I will inform you if I get an answer or in the best case I get the certificate of birth of Jaume.

    Thank you again for your help,


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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #5 en: 23 de noviembre de 2016, 23:07:12 »
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  • Hello Jörg,

    There are a fantastic book of the Succesion War, writte for Antoni Porta i Bergadà in the year 1984. This writter is probably the brother of your grandfather. This writter was born in the year 1919 in a very small town that is called: Granyena de Segarra, a 7 kms. de Cervera.
    The name of the book is: "La victoria catalana de 1705".
    I live in Barcelona and i'm very fan of the History, and for my, this book is very very important, is fantastic.
    If I can go to this small  town and get information of your family, I'll keep you informed.
    Greetings from Barcelona


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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #6 en: 25 de noviembre de 2016, 13:24:52 »
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  • Yesterday I was able to go to the town of Granyena de Segarra, and I found out more names of your family:
    Full name of the father and mother ef Francisco Porta Bergadà:
    Ramón Porta Bernaus (born in Granyena de Segarra)
    Maria Bergadà Gomà (born in Ciutadilla)

    Father and mother of Ramón:
    José A. Porta Bosch (born in Granyena de Segarra)
    Maria Bernaus Oriol (born in Granyena de Segarra)

    Father and mother of Maria Bergadà:
    Manuel Bergadà Oromí (born in Ciutadilla)
    Dolores Gomà (born in Solivella)

    If you want more information, i can gou another day.


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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #7 en: 03 de enero de 2017, 20:19:29 »
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  • Hello Jörg,

    There are a fantastic book of the Succesion War, writte for Antoni Porta i Bergadà in the year 1984. This writter is probably the brother of your grandfather. This writter was born in the year 1919 in a very small town that is called: Granyena de Segarra, a 7 kms. de Cervera.
    The name of the book is: "La victoria catalana de 1705".
    I live in Barcelona and i'm very fan of the History, and for my, this book is very very important, is fantastic.
    If I can go to this small  town and get information of your family, I'll keep you informed.
    Greetings from Barcelona

    Hello Pere,

    thank you for your help and informations. I can confirm that Antoni Bergada was the brother of my grand father. I know from my mother that he lived some years in Argentina. During my researches I found out that he has wriitten this book and I think that he lived in the Netherlands (can you confirm this?). After I told my mother that I found this book she tried to buy the book over the "Generalitat de Catalunya". They told her that they don't sell the book. Could you tell me where I can order the book for her?

    Thank you very much,
    (more in my response below)



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    Re:I'm german. Searching for my Catalan ancestors
    « Respuesta #8 en: 03 de enero de 2017, 20:36:01 »
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  • Yesterday I was able to go to the town of Granyena de Segarra, and I found out more names of your family:
    Full name of the father and mother ef Francisco Porta Bergadà:
    Ramón Porta Bernaus (born in Granyena de Segarra)
    Maria Bergadà Gomà (born in Ciutadilla)

    Father and mother of Ramón:
    José A. Porta Bosch (born in Granyena de Segarra)
    Maria Bernaus Oriol (born in Granyena de Segarra)

    Father and mother of Maria Bergadà:
    Manuel Bergadà Oromí (born in Ciutadilla)
    Dolores Gomà (born in Solivella)

    If you want more information, i can gou another day.

    Hello Pere,

    thank you very much for the names. I will try to find out more. In Germany it is much more easy for me to find informations about my ancestors. Unfortunately I cannot speak spanish or catala. :( I'm interested in all names and dates (birth, christening, marriage, death, burial). Also of brothers and sisters of my ancestors. I send you my email address via private message.

    thank you and bye,
