Good day.
My name is Petr Fadeev and I live in St. Petersburg, Russia.
I am studying the history of the "
von der Burg" family, of which I am a descendant.
I was able to trace their history from Russia and Estonia to the 1700s, then to Saxony to 1600, and then traces lead to the Spanish Netherlands and Spain, so I ask you to help with my search.
The information at my disposal is as follows: the book "
Erinnerungen aus Krieg und Frieden" which was written by one of the descendants of this family, General of Infantry
Ernst von der Burg (
Uas Geschlecht derer von der Burg stammt aus den spanischen Niederlanden. Einer dieses Namens kommt schon im 12. Jahrhundert vor, er war Fürst und Bischof in Spanien und führte den Familienvornamen Engelbertus. Von Spanien vers zweigtende. 1300 lebten mehrere vd Burgs im Lippeschen, 1409 in Hildesheim, 1559 in Hessen-Cassel. "
I could not find a bishop in Spain with the name Engelbert in the 12th century, maybe you can tell me something on this issue.
2. Further in the same book it is said:
"Die Verfolgung der Protestanten durch Herzog Alba veranlafste einen Engelbert v. d. Burg, unter Aufgabe seines Besitzes, aus den Niederlanden zu fliehen.
Er wandte sich nach Lennep, der Hauptstadt des damaligen Herzogtums Berg, und hinterlief s nach seinem Tode zwei Söhne Engelbert und Johann."The further history of the family, starting with these two sons, is known to me and studied quite well, but this is exactly where their father came from from the Spanish Netherlands and when is a mystery to me.
3. These brothers -
Engelbert and
Johann - received from King Leopold I Hungarian and Czech nobility and a coat of arms in 1658, and in the coat of arms I see a clear reference to the city of Burgos (I quote the original image of the coat of arms from the noble diploma of this family):

Original text:
1658 Januar 20 - Prag
Leopold I König von Ungarn etc. bekundet die Erhebung der beiden Brüder Engelbert und Johannes von der Burg (Engelberto & Iohannes de Burgo) sowie deren Erben und Nachkommen beiderlei Geshlechts in den ungarichs-böhmischen Adelsstand. Grund hierfur sind ihre eigenen sowie die Verdienste ihrer Vorfahren. Diese haben bereits vor zwanzig Jahren bei den Umwälzungen in den spanischen Niederlanden und den angrenzenden Regionen tapfer für den huldreichen und Katolischen König von Spanien gekampf ... "
Maybe you can tell if there are similar coats of arms in Spain for similar-sounding surnames?
I managed to find only the coat of arms of the 14th century of a certain John de Frias in the book "
La Real Cofradía de los Caballeros del Santísimo y Santiago de Burgos.", It very much - in color and in all the elements - resembles the coat of arms of the "
von der Burg" family. Unfortunately, I could not find any more information.

This surname was spelled in various variants as "von der Burgk", "de Burgo", "von der Borg".
Thanks in advance for any advice or information that will help me move my search further.
My research was greatly hampered by my lack of knowledge of the language and history of Spain in those years.